Friday, December 29, 2017

Formatting Instagram Captions

So you’ve come up with the perfect social media giveaway campaign, or you’re about ready to announce a new product. Your picture is ready to go, but now it’s time to tackle the Instagram captions.


We can’t stress it enough: Instagram captions matter as much as the picture itself—if not more!


Even though your picture may be attractive, and the giveaway is to die for, if the caption is too cluttered and grammatically incorrect, your post will lose a lot of its potential. Here are a few ideas that will help you create attractive and creative formatted captions:


  1. Where you create


Don’t create your captions in the Instagram app. Instagram is very unfriendly to caption-composing users, because the drafted preview won’t show you an accurate depiction of how the caption will actually post. And, the preview window is small, so errors are easier to miss. Instead, write out the caption in your notes app or in a word document.


  1. Get it all out


Start out by writing out what you want to say—simply let it flow. Don’t worry about spacing, grammar, or emojis. Just get it all out with as much personality and brand-relative voice you can muster. Your caption is a synopsis of your business, so its important to focus on reflecting who your business is in your captions.


  1. Revise, revise, and revise again


Sure, most people won’t stay on your posts for too long, but for those that do, grammatical errors will turn them away. Make sure your caption is free of misspelled words or poor sentence structure. If need be, copy and paste your caption into a word document and word check the caption.


  1. Spacing


Spacing out your Instagram captions will make them more appealing to users, especially if they are long. However, Instagram is extremely sensitive with spacing, and will typically not give you the results you want. It can be frustrating, but there is a super easy and quick trick that can fix this:


*When trying to add a new paragraph, there can’t be a space after the last text in the previous paragraph. If there is, Instagram will not recognize the break in the paragraph and will just combine the two.


  1. Add emojis


Emojis bring personality to your captions. And, they make a long, wordy caption less intimidating. You can end your paragraphs with them, separate paragraphs with them, or even create sequential lists with emojis. Use your creativity and your brand’s personality to add these in your captions.


  1. Proofread


The most crucial step. Make sure your caption is as perfect as you want it to be. Don’t assume your brain coordinated perfectly with your typing fingers. Because, it probably didn’t. And, before you simply post and exit the app, check to make sure the posted version looks how you want it to. If it doesn’t, delete it, and review this list to make sure you didn’t miss a step!


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Balancing Family, Friends, and Work

There’s only 24 hours to a day and sometimes that is not enough. Getting through a busy day and still feeling like you didn’t get to everything is very common for people with a lot of responsibilities. It can be hard to balance your personal life with your professional life. Especially if you are going to school as well. 

Lets take a look at someways you can find a balance for everything important in your life.


Being organized is a key to success. When you have a lot on your plate it is important to know what you are doing with your time. If you work a 9-5, you want to go to the gym, hang out with your friends, and still have time for your parents then you must plan accordingly. You may want to go to the gym after work (if you’re not an early bird), and watch a movie with your mom when you’re done. Plan a date to hang out with your friends a few days in advance to assure that you have made the time. Whatever you decide to do with your time, make sure you have a plan.


Sometimes there is no time for anyone but yourself, and that is ok. As you grow and become more of an adult, you find it harder to make time for the people you care for. Reaching out to your loved ones in one way or another can really make their day. Next time you are in between your responsibilities try calling a friend or a family member and let them know that you care for them. Never know when the last time you get to see someone will be.

Take A Step Back

Going through life we forget the most important thing… ourselves. We live our lives focused on the wrong things and we don’t even have time for ourselves. This is when you take a step back and refocus yourself. Depending on your values, friends and family may be important you, but remember YOU are your biggest priority.


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Positivity is Contagious

Going into work every day can get repetitive and boring, that is no different for us at inMark Media. When this happens you need people by your side to pick you up, and thats what your coworkers are for. Here at inMark Media we preach positive habits, as well as positive relationships. Positivity is contagious and everyone catches it at inMark Media.

We focus on eating healthy, exercising regularly, as well as meditating at some point in our day. Having a whole team behind you will really boost your motivation. It is hard to eat a slice of pizza when you see the rest of the office eating a healthier choice for lunch. This is how a team focused on bettering themselves can directly better yourself. 

Working at inMark is more than just work, its an attitude, a lifestyle. If you apply yourself to the culture of inMark, good things will come your way. Believing in yourself is the first step. Everyone can believe in you but it is ultimately up to you to believe in yourself, in whatever venture you take on. inMark really sets up a foundation for you to succeed and work on yourself at the same time.

Everyday we share a quote of the day to promote furthering our growth as individuals. These quotes are a good start to a good day, and it is arguably the most important part of inMark’s day. Spreading negativity is easy, being positive is difficult for the simple fact that it’s easier to be down when life gets rough, than to pick yourself up when you’ve fallen. Positivity is contagious and it is safe to say that everyone at inMark has caught it.


Monday, December 25, 2017

Supermarket Advertising Options

With supermarket advertising you are not limited to one space, inMark provides a few options to reach your target audience. We often promote our brand bars to local businesses, but we offer other products like welcome centers, shopping carts, cart corrals, brand bins, and brand benches! Here are some brief descriptions of our products for you to choose which is best for your business!

Brand Bars

Brand bars are not your typical grocery dividers you see in every checkout lane. At inMark Media, we have an innovative design that separates it from our competitors. Our nifty brand bars are made with a 3-inch billboard that displays a double-sided advertisement, guaranteeing passive revenue and engagement from your local market.

Welcome Centers

Our welcome centers are strategically placed at the entrance or exit of the store. The first or last thing a customer sees coming in and out of a supermarket. These welcome centers stand at a whopping 71/2 feet tall for precise targeting to guarantee you get noticed.

Shopping Cart

These are special because we place your ad in every cart in the store! Customers will be walking around with your ad for the 30 to 60 minutes they spend in the supermarket. That is a lot of time spent with your ad and can create countless opportunities for you.

Cart Corrals

Cart corrals are strategically placed in the parking lot where customers are either glancing at it on the way in, or putting their carts back at the end of their experience.  These corrals are 30″ by 46″ so they are big enough to get the attention of customers walking into a supermarket.

Brand Bins

These garbage bins are covered with ad space for your business. Strategically positioned at the entrance and exit of the store, customers eyes will be drawn to the bins because of the colors. It’s not your average bin that you just walk by and throw your trash in. With the help of our graphic designers, these bins will be the most important trash bins you ever come across.

Brand Benches

Last but not least, our brand benches. These are your typical ad filled benches you see at bus stops and on the street. Only thing is, ours are placed where shoppers may take a seat if they are waiting for a cab or for the car to pull around.

With so many options to advertise in supermarkets, why wouldn’t you? Partner with us at inMark to get the most out of your ads. That isn’t our only specialty. Let us know if managing your social media or webpage is too much for you, we can help. Contact us at inMark Media so we can get to work!


Friday, December 22, 2017

Boost Your Social Media Reach

It’s no secret that a social media presence is essential to keep your business relevant. And, the importance of a presence is only growing—quickly. Luckily, a larger social media reach can help your business stay on top of the trends and increase its revenue. And, even more lucky? We have the secrets to do so:


Follow those who matter


If you want a lot of people to see your social media messages, or to know your business exists, you’re going to have to put in some work.


Everyone knows the saying if a tree falls in the middle of the woods and no one is there to see it, did it even fall? Great content works the same way. Posting relatable, exciting, or attractive content won’t guarantee a return on an investment if your audience small. To increase your followers, you’ll want to enact strategic following. Strategic following basically means exactly what it says: strategically following certain accounts to attract followers. Here’s how it’s done:


Jane runs a local coffee business. She just started up her business’ twitter and Instagram accounts, and she really want to begin a social media giveaway campaign to promote her new store location. But, she only has 10 followers.


To strategically follow, Jane should check out other coffee shops in her area, go to their followers, and follow accounts she believes would enjoy her content.


She can even try to search for accounts from her town or county, including chamber of commerce Instagrams.


These are great starting points for any business to build up their following. If you don’t have a brick-and-mortar store, and are not worried about locality in terms of your followers, you can search and follow by hashtags too. Jane might look up a hashtag like “#localcoffee” and follow some accounts that are posting with that hashtag.


Tag it up


Speaking of hashtags, they’re great tools your business can use to boost your social media reach, too.


Each post should contain at least 15 hashtags. Hashtags can either be specific to each post or specific to your entire account. Groups of hashtags don’t take long to compose and are an extremely beneficial tool to enhance your accounts. Write out a couple hashtag combinations in the notes app on your phone for safe keeping. Then, when you’re ready to use them, copy and paste them to your posts with ease.


Let’s take the coffee shop example again, if you’re posting about some newly imported coffee beans you’re about to offer, you may want to hashtag words like “#coffeebeans #newcoffee #importedcoffee” etc.



Less is more

When composing hashtags to add to your posts, try to think of words and phrases that people will actually search. #newlyimportedcoffeefromanothercountry will probably never be searched. Don’t waste time composing overly complicated and long hashtags.


In the same respect, make sure your hashtags are relevant. People want to see what they’re searching for. Don’t post #water in a coffee picture—it’s confusing and frustrating to users.



Interaction for a reaction


Simply posting content just won’t cut it. Although traffics is continually growing on all social media sites, so is the competition.


To stand out among the masses, you’re going to need something a little extra than good posts and hashtags.


Instagram stories are a great way to gauge and increase your following. They also help you engage more with your followers: you can post polls or questions on your stories that your followers can answer directly.


It’s important to interact with who you follow, too. If you have new followers, follow them back, like their pictures, and comment something insightful and specific. It’s usually pretty obvious when a company just copy and pastes the same “Great post!” comment.


Reach out


If you’re ready to grow your social media presence and reach, but you’re uncertain that you fully understand social media platforms and their benefits, reach out to a company who does.


Social media is an investment that is too crucial to mess around with. But, if you follow these steps, your company may be on the road to social media success in no time.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

5 Ways to Relieve Stress

Little amounts of stress are healthy, it keeps us focused and motivated. Sometimes it gets to be too much, and the more stress we add to ourselves, the worse it gets. Some people don’t know how to handle their stress. They get caught in their minds, over think and create more stress. Literally anything can cause stress, so having some go to stress relievers may do you some justice the next time you’re feeling blue.

Think Positive

When life gets to hectic and we have what feels like a million and one things happening, it is hard to take a step back and refocus. Stressing the bad is easier than focusing on the good. Think positive and you may begin to relieve some stress.

Can you count?

Next time you find yourself in a rut and can’t control your emotions, try counting down from 10. Then count back up to 10, do this repeatedly for a couple minutes and get back to your day.

This One Is Easy

If you are stressing because you have too much on your plate, then just drop some responsibilities. Multitasking is ok when you must, but living your life constantly stressing to multitask because you have so many things to do is a sign that it might be better to stick to one thing at a time!

LOL Just Laugh

Being goofy is important to relieving stress. Crack a joke with a friend, or make up something funny in your head. Whatever your sense of humor is will put you in a better mood.

Disconnect Yourself

It’s the 21st century, that means the distractions are higher than ever. What comes with all the information at the tip of our fingers? More stress. It is true that knowledge is power, on the other hand, ignorance is bliss. Turn your smartphone off and see how your day changes by not worrying about everything else but yourself.



Monday, December 18, 2017

What Supermarket Advertising Does For You

inMark Media’s supermarket advertising does good for all parties involved. From the supermarket chain that allows us to put our products in their chain, the local businesses who occupy the ads, to even the local customers that are shopping at these chains. With supermarket advertising everybody eats. 

Taking a look at our brand bars which are not your typical grocery dividers you see at every checkout lane. At inMark Media we have an innovative design that separates it from our competitors. Our nifty brand bars are made with a 3-inch billboard that displays a double-sided advertisement, guaranteeing passive revenue and engagement from the respective local market.

Supermarket Chain

Supermarket chains gain a lot from allowing us to put our products in their stores. Our brand bars alone bring an aesthetic to the lane belt for the customers waiting on line. It’s something different than they’re accustomed to. The supermarket chain gains support from local businesses that decide to buy ad space in their store. On top of looking pretty and gaining support, supermarkets are able to afford marketing opportunities that yield passive revenue from local businesses and engagement from their customers.

Supermarket Customers

The customers are the most important component to our ads. Without them there would be no revenue for either the supermarket or the local business. Making our products stand out is on the top of our list when it comes to production. Catching their eyes will bring awareness of the local businesses around them. These customers may be looking for marketing opportunities for themselves or know a friend who is, and that opportunity will be present.

Local Business

Businesses have the most to gain from supermarket advertising. Placing your ads strategically throughout the supermarket will afford them exposure to the customers that spend roughly 30 to 60 minutes shopping. Your ad will also be viewed repeatedly because those loyal shoppers will be headed to the supermarket 2 to 3 times a week. And what better audience to target than your local customers? Placing your ad in a supermarket near you will bring in local clients!

If you’re thinking of advertising in supermarkets then you’ve come to the write page! Contact us at inMark Media to find out what is best for you! Remember, everybody eats!


Friday, December 15, 2017

Increase User Engagement with Motion and Animation

The average person sees around 300-700 ads and brands everyday. While that may seem like an absurdly high number or simply impossible, take a second to pick out all the brands around you at this very moment. Your Carmex chapstick, Apple computer, and Diet Coke are all branded materials.


So, why don’t we remember the 700 brands and ads we come across on a daily basis? Our brains are constantly bombarded by information throughout the day. And, not just a little information—11 million bits of data every second. But, the average person’s memory can only hold about 40-50 bits of data per second. So, we’re ignoring about 10,999,950 bits of data every. single. second.


As a business owner, this probably sounds like some pretty bad news. You may spend months or even years researching, developing, and implementing advertising and marketing campaigns to attract costumers. But, what if those ads are part of the 10,999,950 bits of data that are just completely ignored?


It’s more important than ever that your ads stand out among the noise. Arguably one of the most inexpensive ways to do that is through motion and video content in your marketing and advertising efforts.


There’s a reason why Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook keep adding motion features to their capabilities—because people love motion.


You don’t need to make your own content


Creating animated content doesn’t have to be tedious, and it doesn’t require a whole production to develop. Motion graphics can be as little as 3 seconds long, or as long as 1 minute.


As long as you have a goal and a clear plan to reach it, motion graphics are a great alternative to stationary content. Even if you don’t think you have the skills to create video content, you can repost (and give credit to) relevant posts already on Instagram.


So, if you run a car service business, and want to attract more Instagram users to your brand, maybe repost a cool car transformation video from another Instagram account!


Turn your caption into movement


If you’re struggling to think of content to create into motion, just think of your typical Instagram or Facebook post.


What do you say in those posts? What is the main message, and what are the supporting points?


Once you figure out this message, simplify it as much as possible, and turn it into graphics. It’s usually over-complicated, in-genuine videos that flop.


All you need is a phone


Most social media platforms were created for the everyday user—including your small business.


Yes, it would be better to have high quality cameras and equipment to work with, but that’s pretty unrealistic for small companies with lower budgets. As long as you have a working phone, you’re set to film some pretty awesome behind the scenes.


Or, reach out to inMark


Even though it may seem easy, we know how intimidating it can feel trying to film, edit, or post motion graphics. Our experienced graphic designers can help ease those fears. InMark media creates custom graphics, motion and static, for small and medium sized business that are professional, branded, and affordable! Contact us at inMark Media.





Wednesday, December 13, 2017

“Me” Time is The Most Important Time

“Me” time is the most important time of your day and is crucial to bringing happiness in your stress filled day. It can be hard to break out of a daily routine, especially when we coast through our days mindlessly. Waking up at the same time every morning, going to work, getting out, and going to sleep can get repetitive. It can make you feel unaccomplished at times, more so, bored with your routine. If you feel this way its time to spice things up and take care of yourself. Mentally or physically what ever it is, the point is to make you feel better. Here are some ways you can make some time to care for yourself. 


Don’t be scared to be in your own head. Learning about yourself can help you grow in many ways. Making time to meditate will make your day a bit easier and it has plenty of mental and physical benefits. The hardest part of meditating is finding the time and actually doing it. Now it is up to you if you would like to wake up 15 minutes earlier to start your day with meditation, in the middle of the day during lunch, at the end of the day, or all three.

Find a Hobby 

Going through our days mindlessly can get boring and repetitive. The key to brightening your day is finding a time to do something for yourself. Now, this can be anything you enjoy doing. After a long day at work, or completing chores, I enjoy watching the NBA. This gives me something to look forward to at night knowing this my “me time” and it gives me a sense of relief knowing after I get everything done I can relax and watch the artistry in my favorite sport. A hobby can be as simple as collecting stones that look like chips.

Work Out

There is no better way to work on yourself than actually getting exercise. At times it can be hard to motivate yourself to go to the gym or go for a run. Actually doing so will make you feel a lot better about yourself as you work on your well being. Even if it is difficult to give yourself that pep talk to make it to the gym, you can always do some home workouts. Push ups before the shower, after waking up, or before going to sleep can be a great start.

Maintain Your Relationships

We often go through life unappreciative of the small things in life. Our family and friends are our biggest supporters and sometimes we forget to appreciate them. A simple text or call sharing your day with each other, or even letting them know your appreciation for them in your life will make your day better and much more meaningful. As well as making them feel good about being your life.

At the end of the day you are your most important asset. Take care of yourself, mind, body, and soul. Having “me” time in your day will help you find happiness in days that are not going in your favor. Take some of these tips and incorporate into your life however you see fit!



Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Meet Cristian Gonzalez

At inMark Media we strive to build our team around like-minded, goal oriented people. Creativity is a plus! Allow us to introduce our newly found copywriter, Cristian Gonzalez.

Everyone at inMark Media is one of a kind, this is no different about Cristian. Using a creative twist to add to the personality he shows in his writing adds to his bubbly personality. Graduating from the University at Albany, with a degree in Communications, he enjoys other hobbies to work on his creativeness. Whether its being savvy on the basketball court, or jokingly free-styling during his lunch break, he is always working on being the best he can be. Willing to be a part of a team is only half of the process, working to be a part of a team is the next. inMark Media is glad to have a willing learner and a hard worker on our team.

Here are some questions we asked Cris about the culture at inMark Media.

  1. What is something about inMark that you really like?

“I like a lot of things about the culture here. I’ve only been here for a few weeks and it feels like forever. I already feel as if the people here are my family. Plus, anywhere I can bring my chili dip for a potluck two weeks in is where I want to be.”

2. What is your “why”?

“Anything I do is for my parents, they have given so much to me that I can only repay them with my best effort in everything I do. I represent what they have molded me to be so I do it for them.”

3. Do you have a favorite quote you live by?

“’Keep grinding boy, your life can change in one year, and even when it’s dark out, the sun is shining somewhere’ – J.Cole.  Tell myself this anytime I get down about something, never know when your chance is coming.”



Monday, December 11, 2017

Supermarket Advertising During The Holidays

How to Utilize Supermarket Advertising

Learning to utilize supermarket advertising will help your local business gain exposure where it counts. Marketing opportunities are easy to come by, but the right one will properly brand your business into a household name.

Using the old fashioned print advertising won’t get you anywhere nowadays. Let’s be honest, not many people pick up newspapers today. TV advertising can work, but you have to localize the commercials, it costs too much, and at the end of the day people will probably be distracted while it is playing. Now take a look at how supermarket advertising benefits your local business.

Target Audience

Your target audience is the most important part about your ad. You can have the best ad, but targeting the wrong audience will get you no where. When you choose to advertise in supermarkets, you choose which supermarket will have the most leads for you as a business. A local supermarket, with local shoppers, will definitely help your local business. Even if those shoppers don’t need your service, they can point someone else in your direction.


Once you know who your target audience is, you can focus on how they will see your ad. Of course there are many ways to reach people. Have you ever thought about in the supermarket where they visit 2 to 3 times a week? Our ads are strategically placed around the store whether its our welcome centers at the entrance of the store, or at the end with our brand bars at the grocery belt. People will see your ad but it won’t be successful unless it leaves an impression.


How do you leave a long lasting impression? Repetition is key. The more time your target audience spends in the store, the longer they are exposed to your business. These shoppers will see your ad every time they need to grab something at the supermarket. They’ll know your company subconsciously even if they don’t want to.

Now that you know how to utilize supermarket advertising, contact us at inMark Media to get started!


Friday, December 8, 2017

Best Apps For Your Social Media Accounts

Managing multiple social media accounts can be a daunting task when you want to be as efficient as possible. Whether you are running accounts for different clients and you need to be more organized, or you are promoting your own brand on multiple surfaces, it is easier to have everything easily accessible. Luckily you aren’t the only person going through this. There are many apps that you can use to help you in your endeavors. Many are alike and many are different, depending on what you want out of it is up to you. Here is a list of the best social media management apps for different purposes. 

1. HootSuite

This is the best app to manage multiple accounts and posting content. It is great for a person managing a few accounts, or an agency handling hundreds of clients. Add as many accounts as you would like, and here you will be able to schedule your content according to your marketing campaign and view everything on one dashboard.

2. Hubspot

If you are looking for the analytics to your marketing campaign, then you should try out Hubspot. There are many apps that support scheduling and posting content through multiple accounts, but few actually show you the data metrics of your content. You can directly see which post led to the most leads or purchases.

3. TweetDeck

This one is pretty self explanatory. If you handle accounts solely on Twitter, then this the app for you. Twitter is fast paced and handling one account can be overwhelming. TweetDeck allows you to manage multiple conversations through different accounts on one platform, and at no cost!


If This Then That is a great automation tool to manage multiple apps, websites, and social media platforms. This tool will make covering these platforms easily when you are running a blog, a website, and a few social media accounts. You enter a function which is the “If This”, and you enter a “Then That” which is what will happen for that function. For example, if I post a blog on my website, then I post the link to my Twitter and Instagram accounts.

5. Buffer

Buffer is amazing in that it does everything you need it to do. You can manage and schedule content as you please, check out data metrics for your posted content. If you are less experienced in the realm of social media, Buffer helps post content at the best possible times throughout the day.

I hope this list narrows down your choices when choosing a tool for your marketing campaign. If you are still having trouble managing your social media accounts, contact us at inMark Media.



Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Healthy Diet, Healthy Life

There are many ways you can do to improve your quality of life. Waking up a little earlier, starting a routine, appreciating the small things, thinking positive, and EATING BETTER. Our bodies are our temples, why wouldn’t we take care of it like we do with our houses or cars?There are different kinds of diets to go on, some more extreme than others, but any move in the right direction will lead to improving your life. The best diet for me personally, is as easy as watching what you eat and how much of it you’re eating.

Healthy Dieting 

It is hard to find the right diet for yourself. Some people think eating less is good for their health. This does the exact opposite for your body. Your body’s metabolism will slow to preserve the nutrients in the food you do eat. Dieting is about watching what you do eat. Eating many small portions throughout the day will keep your metabolism running and in essence continuously extracting nutrients from the food. This will also keep you from “cheating” because you aren’t starving yourself. Stick to foods that are less processed, and go with organic choices. Even if you decide to eat something like pizza, do so once in a while.

Drink Water!

One of the easiest things you can do for any diet is adding water. Our bodies are made up mostly of water, so why would we deprive it from the most essential liquid. Obviously water has its own taste, which is nothing. Nothing can taste different at times, confusing right? Well if you want to add some flavor, spike it with some lemon, watermelons, mint, and what ever your taste buds enjoy. Water does so much for our diet, it can help fill you up before a meal so you eat less, flushes out any toxins you may have through our pores and urination, and its a whopping amount of 0 calories!

Stick To The Plan

The hardest task of a diet is actually abiding by it. We tend to set goals for ourselves that we would like to reach, but are unrealistic for our ways of life. You know yourself better than anyone, set realistic goals. If you drink a lot of soda, try cutting back and substituting it with water. If you love pizza, try using it as a reward for the end of the week after eating healthier options. Setting realistic goals will make it easier to follow and achieve.

Healthy Life

Following a diet can be a difficult at times but the benefits are tremendous. Eating better has a direct correlation on how you feel. Have you ever ate McDonalds and felt groggy after? Instead eat a healthier choice and you may feel more energized. Your day will be better if you stick to your diet because one, you feel accomplished sticking to your diet improving your mood, and your body will thank you for feeding it nutritionally.



Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Daily Huddles

It feels good to have a feel good routine. Starting your day right can lead to a better rest of the day. It also makes you feel better knowing someone is listening to you. This all ties into our daily huddles at inMark Media. Our daily huddles consist of learning, understanding, laughing, and a sense of community. We all come in to work with our coffees in hand ready to start our days. We work until about 10:45am each day. Then it is time for a 15-minute pause in our hectic days to gather around and share our thoughts about a quote with a positive message.

The daily quote is always one that promotes growth, positivity, learning new things, or is simply motivational. When the daily quote is read, each of us speak about how that quote resonated with us. This is important to get into the mind of others because we each have something different to say, everyone reacts differently. It works so well because everyone has their own mind, so one quote can have many different meanings, and someone could say something that resonates with you to build off of. Just like we do in our office, build each other up, apposed to breaking each other down for our own benefit. We work as a team, when someone is down, we pick them back up. It benefits all of us at the end of the day.

“I am best version of myself when I am with you.”

The quote above is an example of our daily quote. Such a simple quote, yet so many interpretations can be made of it. One can take this a specific person in their life that pushes them to be great, or just the team around us that pushes each of us to be the best version of ourselves each day. We try to take something away from each daily huddle, we look to progress in one way or another. That is why everyone enjoys coming in to work, we are always growing, and striving for best no matter the circumstances.

The daily huddle is our team’s way of picking up each other for the day. Making sure no one is stuck on anything, and if they are they have a whole team of people to count on. It also serves as a breather before our lunch break. We get to get our minds off of work for aa bit and have some good convo to set up the tone for the rest of the day. After the huddle everybody is usually more motivated to get back to work. At inMark Media you have a group of like minded people supporting you, your goals, and the team’s goals.


Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! source