Tuesday, February 27, 2018

How to Let Go of Fear and Start Trusting the Process

A motivated, determined mindset at the beginning of an exciting new journey is typical. You’re about to change your life, what is there not to be excited about? But, with instant gratification so readily expected, many people fall off when it is not received. However, many of our goals are long term and therefore will require a long term effort.  Let go of your fears and start trusting the process.


Regardless of what your goal is, meditation will help you get rid of your anxieties, live in the moment, and put your trust in the process. The pains and fears you may experience throughout the process may seem detrimental, but that’s usually a conclusion of your mind. “The greater part of human pain is unnecessary. It is self-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life”-Eckhart Tolle. Meditation will fix your perspective so those detrimental moments will appear a lot less harmful.

Ask for Help

You may be working on your own consciousness or goals, but that doesn’t mean you can’t talk to other people. If you’re struggling with your goals, whether professionally, personally, mentally or physically, you must reach out for help when you need it. It will help you through tough times that are confusing and overwhelming. Become the beginner. Let go of old habits early in the process.

Stop Doubting

Self doubt is the enemy to progress. It eats away at your goals and harms your progress. That’s obvious though. How do you fix it? Well, you can’t just switch it off. But, when you notice yourself doubting your progress, your patience, your path, stop yourself and think positively. If you practice this continuously, you’ll eventually create a habit of positive thinking.

Face Your Fears 

No, you don’t have to go on a haunted hayride or sit in front of a taunting clown. But you do have to put yourself out of your comfort zone. Don’t let your fears and anxieties of what people will think, what will happen, or what your parents are going to say stop you from reaching for what you want. Most of those made up situations are just that—made up. If you teach yourself to push past those anxieties, regardless of their presence, you’ll experience greater progress.

The Unknown is Your Friend 

This is the best part. The process is an undefined path—you really don’t know where it’ll take you. You may have an idea of where you want it to go (maybe you’re trying to lose 10 pounds or tone up your physique.) But, the little victories along the way may change your goal completely. Maybe you lost 5 pounds of fat, but now you want to add some muscle mass, so you gain back that 5 pounds. If you asked the you at the beginning of the process, regaining weight would’ve mortified you. But, you trusted the process, fell in love with the unknown, and are continuing to trust the process again. It’s a never ending cycle of progress.

You Are In Control 

Fear happens. We are human. The emotions that arise naturally are a product of our chemical brain makeup. But, what can change is how we react to those emotions. When you get fearful of where something is heading, remember that those anxieties are just a fabrication of your thoughts. Instead, think about what you can be thankful for presently, and those fearful thoughts will subside.


Obviously we all need a plan. A process wouldn’t even begin if there was no plan to make the process happen. But, when we’re faced with situations you didn’t think would happen, you need to make sure that you react in a proper way. Let’s take working out for example. You have this great plan to get into shape. Maybe you go to the gym 5 days a week, eat healthy, and see adequate results. But, you begin to feel a pain in your hamstring. You either ignore the pain and stick to your plan (and most likely hurt yourself worse) or understand that the process requires flexibility and let your leg heal. That doesn’t mean your plan needs to go completely out the window, it just need a little detour.

If you follow these steps, you’ll be on a path to a rather successful outcome. But, remember, there is no instant gratification here. This is going to be a habit-forming and life-changing experience you won’t want to rush.

source https://inmarkmg.com/culture/how-to-let-go-of-fear-and-start-trusting-the-process-2/

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