Friday, February 2, 2018

Social Media: Starting A Campaign

Are you a small business owner attempting to develop your brand? Looking for different ways to haul in customers or leads? Unless you live under a rock, with no access to WI-FI then you have no excuse on at least familiarizing yourself with the different platforms of social media. Having a strong presence on social media may have been the deciding factor for a consumer who just chose your business over your competitor’s, because of your exemplary use of social media. As a small business you may see no need for a strong presence in social media, but the opportunities are endless. Grow your brand across several platforms to reach your target audience, create leads, and convert them into customers. Let’s go through some steps to get you started, of course if you don’t have the time to keep up with your social media accounts, we at inMark Media can handle them for you!

Step One

Decide on the platform that is best for the goals you set and the market you wish to reach. There are many different platforms to use. You are not limited to one and one only, but try to stay as consistent as possible on the platforms you decide to use.

Facebook:  “Facebook remains the most popular social media platform”. This is important to know when you want to utilize a platform for its reach. Although 62% of Facebook users are 65 or older, you can still implement a good strategy for ad utilization if you’re target market is in the ages between 30 to 64. Everyone from your teenage children to your grandparents use Facebook.

Instagram: If you were really under that rock, you wouldn’t know that Facebook purchased Instagram only to expand ever more. Instagram is a great platform for posting visuals and engaging content. If you know this the kind of content you will be posting, go with the sure platform and post on Instagram.

Twitter: Twitter is in its own league. Doesn’t have the same clout as Facebook or Instagram, but can still hold its own. With more millennials using this platform, the right tweet can catch fire and reach the timeline of many users at once. With the option of posting a tweet using words, photos, videos, articles, polls, and more, being versatile is your best asset. “32% of internet users aged 18 to 29 continue to use the service.”  Twitter has also become a place to catch up on news or trending topics, and starting your own hashtag.

LinkedIn:  This one isn’t for everybody. This how professionals can market themselves, or their business to other professional’s you think would be a great fit for your company. If your goal is to partner up with another business, LinkedIn is a great way to get your name out in the professional world.

Step Two

Completing your profile for whichever platform(s) you are using is vital for the first impression a lead gets when clicking on your page. This is where people go read your bio, see what you are about, check out your profile pic, and make their initial assumptions of your company. Is this company professional? Are they working towards something? Whatever it is, it is important to be consistent with your branding throughout the various platforms you use.

Step Three

You’ve chosen your platforms, signed up, and completed your bio…now what? You can start with inspecting the pages of your competitors. Find them on social media and see what they do good, what they do bad, and mold a campaign. A campaign consisting of strategic posts, timing, following, and engagement.

Step Four

You can have the most eye appealing page in the world, but if you don’t have the right followers viewing it doesn’t do anything for your business. Follow people you wish to do business with, powerful leaders and influencers in your field, people who follow your competitors, anyone who…

a) Post Content You Can Share With Your Followers

b) Have Some Interest In Your Service or Product

c) May Repost Your Content

Step Five

Find a balance between your posts. You may not be getting the results you want because of the timing of your posts. As well as the content you are sharing. Be sure to post quality content your audience will deem useful, funny, or witty, that they can engage with and/or share. Don’t spam your followers with content 24/7 about your business. Let it flow, like a conversation with another person. You wouldn’t want to talk about yourself the whole time right? Appeal to your audience and your customer engagement will rise.


Handling a successful social media campaign can be stressful. They take a lot of planning to execute correctly, plenty of creativeness, and knack for posting quality content. Allow us at inMark Media to handle the stress of branding on social media. Contact us today and tell us about your goals using social media!


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