Monday, February 19, 2018

Supermarket Advertising vs. Our Competitors

You may have heard of supermarket advertising before this blog, but you’ve never seen it utilized how we use brand bars. Traditional advertising like the use of register tapes that no one cares to look at, or a TV ad you may be lucky enough for people to watch, are OK, but are not the BEST. 

Our products go above and beyond the status quo of supermarket advertising. Each one of our products focus on strategic placement that generates exposure, targets your local audience, and is seen repetitively by your target audience. Check out how we differ from the rest.

Register Tapes

How many times have you stopped and called the number behind your receipt? Hardly, if you do. Well these have become less utilized the more fast paced our lives become. No one cares for an ad on the back of a receipt when they are focused on the actual contents of it. And, unless you’re buying groceries for a party and may want to return something later, you’ll most likely throw that receipt in the trash.

Well this is why brand bars are a better investment! You can’t throw out a grocery divider, but you do have to pick it up and place on the lane belt. Our ads are sure to catch the eyes of people waiting on line. With a talented team of designers, our ads look professional and clean. This means your target audience will not stray away from an unprofessional and cluttered ad, but may be more inclined to give you a call!

TV Ads

People nowadays hardly watch TV, most people are gravitating towards streaming services that don’t provide much ads. But! There are some people who still flip through channels, and yes FLIP. How many people do you know stay on a channel after their show goes to commercials? Maybe the people who are occupied doing something else. Whatever the case may be, your commercial isn’t guaranteed viewers, its guaranteed space.

On the other hand, our brand bars can’t be changed for another one. And if it is, they are all compiled of the same ads! The brand bar guarantees you repeated exposure to your target audience. Everyone in your community goes to the supermarket for their food, why not advertise in the most visited space in your community?


Yes billboards are huge! Yes billboards can be seen by many! And yes it’ll look very pretty… but! You don’t know exactly who you are targeting. Additionally, people are driving by your billboard, you can’t just stop on the highway and call the number on a billboard. The passenger driver might not even be the person you want to target, and how will they know if the driver needs your service?

Which brings me back to our brand bar. People standing on line look for something to set their eyes on. An ad that catches their eye is a potential lead! Now, the first day they might not call you, but a month down the line when they may need your service, they’ll remember your ad and give you a call.


Next time you are looking for a good place your ad, choose inMark. We GUARANTEE EXPOSURE, REPETITION, and YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE. Contact us and we can talk about how to grow your business through us!



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