Friday, April 13, 2018

The 60/30/10 Rule

As a business owner new to social media, you may be wondering what you should be posting. There is no true, correct, answer to this question. But, there is a technique most social media marketers gravitate towards to maximize their impact on social media.

60/30/10 Rule

This is a rule that is based on leveraging engaging content, sharing information, and promoting products and services. Involved social media users will typically post about 10 to 14 times a week depending on the platform being used, so it may be difficult to keep up with content and especially original content.

This means 60% of the posts should be engaging content that people can react to, comment, and share. 30% should be content you share from other pages or simply useful tips for your users. The last 10% is where you promote your own business with promotions and products. You don’t want to overcrowd your page or other users’ timelines with your business. Sadly, people don’t want that.

The 60%

When people see your name on their newsfeed or timeline you want them to have a positive initial reaction to your posts. Trying to sell something every post will get old quick to the average user. Most of your content should be engaging your followers and baiting a reaction to someone leaving a comment, question, or sharing it with their followers. Posting useful tips pertaining to your target audience is a good way to generate some likes, comments, and shares. A couple of ideas for engaging content is starting a poll to garner interactions or hosting a hashtag contest to gain awareness for prizes. This will leave a lasting impact on your brand. So, the next time you DO post promotional content people will look forward to your name.

The 30%

Ever heard of the golden rule? Treat people the way you want to be treated. Share and be shared. Promoting or shouting out other businesses or pages will help you in the long run. Like being a fitness page that posts it’s favorite protein products. You never know, maybe that page you share will end up shouting you out or even better, working with you.

The 10%

Lastly, 10% of what you post should be promotions and information on products or services. You may be wondering why the least percentage of your posts should be self-promotion. This is because social media was not made to be a never-ending billboard. It is supposed to be social, like

“Oh, ___ has a nice sale today!”


“Ugh, again?”

Flooding the timeline with your promotions will diminish the importance of each post, the less you post about it, and the more value you add to each specific post. Remember, social media is about building your brand, not selling it. The better your brand, the less work you have to put in to make those sales, people will just gravitate to your posts.


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