Friday, January 31, 2020

The Secrets to Good Management

What does it take to be a good manager? What is good management? These are some of the questions you could be asking yourself if you’re new to the management scene, or are trying to improve your managerial relationship with employees. Good management is essential for establishing a creative and productive workplace, and more often than not, many managers fall into common mistakes that may cripple their ability to communicate with their employees. 

Trust is incredibly important in the workplace, and trust between an employee and management is essential. Managers who do not trust their employees cannot expect them to generate new ideas, or work out of the box, thus restraining them to minimal effort, creativity and even productivity. Leading by example, and reaching out to employees can help repair this trust.

In order to be an effective manager, you must be able to train, organize, communicate, and most importantly motivate your team. 

Ensuring that your employees are prepared for their line of work is crucial. Whether the training is one-on-one with the manager, or part of a formal training program, helping your employees understand how to perform in their line of work is essential for accomplishing maximum productivity and motivation.

There is no set way to organize a team. Rather, you need to look at your team, and organize accordingly. Investigating job descriptions, assessing what kinds of processes you can implement, and utilizing software to organize tasks and deadlines are a good way to structure your team. 

Establishing a communication system between employees and management is essential for ensuring that projects are completed on time, and employees are notified on current tasks and objectives. Ground rules should be established for running late and sick days. Specific issues may require different communication approaches; if someone is under performing, you may have to speak with them on the individual-level, while changes in a project might require speaking on the team-level. Regardless, an informed employee will be more understanding, and perform better rather than an uninformed employee.

Motivation keeps workers from slacking off, and adds enthusiasm and creativity to their work. Tapping into what motivates employees and capitalizing on it can seriously improve a workers performance. Though each employee is different, typically money, recognition, or even promotions can help motivate workers. Using competitions, “praise” boards, or even a team mascot can help boost motivation.




Friday, January 24, 2020

How Digital Screen Ads Can CHANGE Advertising

Digital media has become a staple in everyday life. Whether you’re looking at ads on your mobile smart phone, or watching a commercial on the television, companies have evolved to brand themselves across the digital stage. So why shouldn’t you?

Video Wall:
Imagine being in line at the checkout lane at your local supermarket. The line is long, and you are looking around you as you wait for your turn to come. In front of you is a 32-inch high definition screen mounted just above the product displays in every other checkout lane. This is what is known as a “video wall”.

By implementing a “video wall” in the supermarket, shoppers are exposed to ads as they wait in the checkout lane. A high percentage of people in your trade area visit a grocery store multiple times a week, meaning that your ad is guaranteed to be seen by a vast number of customers on their way out of the store. 

So you now have a way of exposing your ad to your audience, but how do you know you are targeting the right audience? That’s where TruView technology comes in. TruView utilizes eye-tracking technology to collect and analyze viewing data to best suit the customer’s interests. But how does it work?

A screen utilizing the TruView program will first recognize eye contact and activate a time-counter for each view, measuring the number of people who see your content and how long they spend watching it.  TruView also utilizes facial detection to measure data points on a face, which are compared to a database of facial characteristics to anonymously determine the approximate age and gender of the viewer. No need to worry, of course, as TruView technology does not affect privacy, since the images are not recorded. Thanks to the FCC and OTC, this technology has been approved and further utilized in the retail environment. 


Digital media has allowed businesses to reach out to the consumer on a whole new level never seen before, providing products and services to customers who had been unable to reach them beforehand.


Friday, January 17, 2020

Brand Bar: A Realtor’s Best Friend

Advertising in your local supermarket can greatly increase your business’ renown. Brand bars in particular, allow you to literally put your advertisements in the hands of your customers. Brand bars are tools that separate groceries at every checkout line. Unlike traditional supermarket dividers, however, our versatile brand bars feature a 16-inch wide billboard that displays a double-sided advertisement, guaranteeing exposure and engagement with your local market. But how are brand bars effective? 

Exposure is the first step to having people recognize your brand. In order to gain this recognition, you need to reach out to people. A great example is strategically placing ads at every checkout lane so that customers see and respond to your ad.

Seen Often:
Let’s say you’ve invested in placing your ad on a billboard. Now you’re on your way to recognition! But, unfortunately, one billboard isn’t going to cut it. For your brand to get some serious recognition, your ad needs to be seen constantly, as to remind people of your existence. If your ad isn’t constantly reminding people of your services, it takes the chance of being forgotten.

Exposing your brand to people is important, but exposing it to the right people is imperative. The last thing you want to do is spend your time exposing your brand to people who are either not interested, or don’t apply to the service you are providing. What a waste of time! That’s why it’s important to target the right audience. Placing your ads in a location that is specific to your target audience can make the difference between wasted money, and a successful ad campaign.



Friday, January 10, 2020

Why Should you Advertise in your Local Supermarket

The goal of effective advertising is not about reaching as many people as possible. The goal is to connect to the right people; the people that are interested in your business and its products. If you’re looking to connect with the right people, think about advertising in your local supermarket. Yeah, the people are mainly there for the food. But also, these stores have visitors that are not only in your target market, but they’re literally in your backyard. What an opportunity to make some local connections for your local business!

Here are the three main reasons why you should really be thinking about supermarket advertising:

Exposure- Everyone’s gotta eat, which means that everyone makes a stop at the supermarket during week. In fact, people usually visit the supermarket at least twice a week, with each visit being around 40 minutes. That means your ads are being exposed for 80 minutes per shopper each week at least! Add on top of the fact that supermarket ads are placed in shoppers’ vision, no matter where they are, your ad has a much higher chance of being seen than other traditional mediums.

Repetition- Let’s face it, if your ad isn’t seen often, people are not going to remember it. Luckily, supermarket advertising fixes that problem rather simply. Supermarkets see tens of thousands of shoppers each week. So multiply that with the average length of a shopping trip and the two times people visit the store and wow, that’s a lot of watch time.

Targeting- Yes, online shopping and food delivery services are on the rise. However, a vast majority of people are still visiting their local markets and this is a great place to reach potential customers. Supermarket advertising is meant to put your ads in a place where that contains your target audience cause once again, everybody has to eat. So, the people you are trying to reach are inevitably going to visit the place you’re advertising from. Kind of a win-win; people buy their favorite snacks while being enticed by your favorite ad!

Remember, its all about brand recognition, and supermarket advertising is a pretty effective strategy to achieve that goal. 


Friday, January 3, 2020

Shopping Cart Advertisements


So yeah, shopping carts are not super tech-savvy (yet). But, think about it? What better way to gain brand awareness that having your business literally in front of potential customers for their entire shopping trip? 

Think about it! People go to the supermarket 2-3 times a week and spend an average of 40 minutes each trip. That’s up to 2 hours of advertising in one medium per week! And, that’s just on average.

Need more convincing? Here are a few more reasons to consider branding with shopping carts.

  1. Exposure– Not only are people going to see your ads in front of them, but they’ll also be visible to every cart they pass. If people don’t see your ad, they won’t remember it. What’s awesome about shopping carts is that everywhere the shopper goes, the cart must follow. So, your ads will always be traveling
  2. Repetition– Similar to the last point, we want your ad to be seen by many, as many times as possible. Again, if your ad isn’t seen, people won’t remember it.
  3. Target the right audience– The point of advertising is so that your product is seen by many in hopes of gaining potential customers. However, if your ads aren’t being shown to the right people, then what good is that? Most of the time, the people at your local supermarket are the ones who are most likely to do business with you. So, why not cater to them?


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