Friday, January 24, 2020

How Digital Screen Ads Can CHANGE Advertising

Digital media has become a staple in everyday life. Whether you’re looking at ads on your mobile smart phone, or watching a commercial on the television, companies have evolved to brand themselves across the digital stage. So why shouldn’t you?

Video Wall:
Imagine being in line at the checkout lane at your local supermarket. The line is long, and you are looking around you as you wait for your turn to come. In front of you is a 32-inch high definition screen mounted just above the product displays in every other checkout lane. This is what is known as a “video wall”.

By implementing a “video wall” in the supermarket, shoppers are exposed to ads as they wait in the checkout lane. A high percentage of people in your trade area visit a grocery store multiple times a week, meaning that your ad is guaranteed to be seen by a vast number of customers on their way out of the store. 

So you now have a way of exposing your ad to your audience, but how do you know you are targeting the right audience? That’s where TruView technology comes in. TruView utilizes eye-tracking technology to collect and analyze viewing data to best suit the customer’s interests. But how does it work?

A screen utilizing the TruView program will first recognize eye contact and activate a time-counter for each view, measuring the number of people who see your content and how long they spend watching it.  TruView also utilizes facial detection to measure data points on a face, which are compared to a database of facial characteristics to anonymously determine the approximate age and gender of the viewer. No need to worry, of course, as TruView technology does not affect privacy, since the images are not recorded. Thanks to the FCC and OTC, this technology has been approved and further utilized in the retail environment. 


Digital media has allowed businesses to reach out to the consumer on a whole new level never seen before, providing products and services to customers who had been unable to reach them beforehand.


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