Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Breaking Down Monthly Targets

inMark focuses a lot on growing each team member in all areas of their lives. We set our targets for the month every first Monday, and it doesn’t stop there. During these meetings, we sit and talk about setting our goals and going in-depth about how we can put ourselves in positions to succeed. We do so by breaking it down into these elaborate steps:

The 4 B’s

Body, Being, Balance, and Business are the 4 core aspects of our lives. We take time to think about our goals in each category of our lives and really digging into why each goal is important to us, not only because we want to, but WHY we want to. This is how we make sure we stay focused on our goals. Without the why, we can easily forget about why we need to get up early, or why we need to read that book that we are dreading to read.

Weekly Targets

After creating our monthly targets, we make it even easier to break down and keep track of our goals! Pinpointing it down to how we can get closer to our goal each week.

Being specific as possible will put you in the position to actually complete your goals. Put it into perspective, let’s say you would like to lose weight this month. Being as precise as possible to how much weight you would like to lose. You come up with losing 10 pounds this month and it boils down to losing 2 pounds a week for a 4 week month. What are you going to do to lose those 2 pounds a week? Breaking it down to going to the gym 4x a week for the month adding up to 16 days at the gym! Now you have voiced how many times you will be going to the gym for the month. Making your goal attainable will give you some wiggle room for missing a day or two during the week.

Accountability Partner

You know once you say something you should actually do it. We like to be held accountable for our goals and this is why we choose an accountability partner for the month. This is your trusty sidekick who will check in with you at the end of the week to see if you have done what you set out to complete. Choose wisely.



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