Friday, November 29, 2019

Benefits of an SEO

What’s SEO?

Great Question! SEO is an acronym that stands for search engine optimization. In basic terms, SEO scans through your website and tries to make changes to its content in order for your site to rank higher in search engines. The goal of using SEO is to expand visibility by making sure your site is user-friendly and contains words and phrases that are relevant to the searcher.

Why should I use SEO?

Another great question! There are a number of reasons why using SEO is important for the growth of your website and ultimately your business. But, for starters, let’s discuss just 5 reasons why your business needs SEO.

  • People are finding your site through search engines- A majority of online activities start on a search engine. It’s more likely that people will visit your website by using the search bar than by typing in your domain. The advantage of SEO is that your site has a better chance of being seen when a customer types in “dance classes near me” than by them trying to remember your company’s full URL. 
  • SEO brings in quality and organic online traffic- Google is considered a trusting and credible search engine. If your website shows up high on the first page of a search, the user is more likely to click on your page because they know that Google is going to give them quality results, relevant to what they are looking for. There is also the bonus that using an SEO involves the customer coming to you, not you trying to catch them. Customers will find your site because they have a problem that your business can solve. 
  • Better Conversion Rates- Sites that use SEO have faster loading times, are more user-friendly and can be properly accessed on devices like smartphones and tablets. Websites that are easy to navigate and available on both computer and mobile come across as more professional and enjoyable to the consumer. It means that they can get a hold of your business in any shape or form means better customer experience which will more likely lead to loyal customers and returning visitors.
  • The Internet and SEO strategies are always changing- The internet is always evolving and Google’s algorithms change majorly multiple times a year. It’s good to be on top of these changes as relevant words and phrases in a search can be switched over-night. By using consistent SEO, you’ll know how to keep your site high ranking in the search engine as well as being aware of current internet trends and news.
  • It’s a low-cost investment- Yes, SEO will cost you money. Cause nothing’s really free, right? However, the cost of SEO is relatively cheap when you think about all the benefits and the long-term return. A good implementation of SEO will give you business an awesome payoff that will last for many yearsThe more time and effort you put into SEO, the better the chances are that your site will stand as a quality source for new and old customers to enjoy for the years to come.




Friday, November 22, 2019

Team Building 101

Your small business is an organism built on effective cooperation. Make an atmosphere at work that promotes group success and healthy relationships.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
If everyone on the team takes responsibility for their own workload, pace, and deadline, it fosters a greater sense of personal accountability. When you give workers responsibility for setting their own goals, they will operate individually and work better together.

Teamwork Activities
Think outside the box, or in this case, outside the office space. Don’t use an outside activity as a reward for something, simply integrate team building activities into a spontaneous group outing.

Reward Your Employees
When you incentivize your workers with rewards and praise, they will remain loyal to the company, work harder, and have better mental health. Remember to give workers incentives for hitting a deadline, achieving a goal, or coming up with a particularly ingenious method for improving something.

Keep Talking
Open communication between workers at every level of management creates a better work environment. Before telling them to crack on with a task, ask them to come to you afterward if they have any questions.






Friday, November 15, 2019

How To Turn A SMALL Business Into a BIG Success

If you are a small business owner, never give up on your marketing strategies. Keep up-to-date with the latest promotion techniques and strategies.

Get To Know The Locals
Small businesses rise or fall depending on how they interact with their local community. When you begin to use the community for support, they will claim you as one of their own and support all of your endeavors. This translates as guaranteed five star online reviews and positive word of mouth.

Two Heads Are Better Than One
Choosing to work with companies with similar products or messages can turn your businesses into a bigger success. Partner with another organic grower if your products are organic/free trade, or provide links to each other’s websites if your products complement a competitor.

Take Advantage Of Data
Make an effort to own as much of your marketing data as possible. Using data for possible clients in the future or leveraging the statistics to generate leads is a vital marketing tool. You should always ensure you have access to your data. Data can drive your small business to significant success.


Friday, November 8, 2019

The Best Way To Become A “Cool” Manager

Management is all about encouraging positive work habits and nurturing optimism in the workplace. Create a healthy workplace, and you will be the cool manager.

The Gift Of Praising
People live for their work to be acknowledged. Acknowledgment fuels them to do better and greater things. Handing out praise costs you nothing and the rewards are immense.

Sometimes It’s The Small Victories
A small ripple can make a massive tsunami. If management recognizes one step towards a bigger goal as significant, it makes the steps easier to take. Celebrating small wins is vital.

Thank You For Your Time
Being on time for everything is often underestimated. If you practice scrupulous punctuality, you set a good example to your employees. It will also help you to run a tighter ship, which benefits everyone.

Making Room For Flexibility
Rigidity is an old school management style. If you can remember how it felt to be denied something when you were further down the chain of command, keep that feeling in mind before you do it to someone else, and allow your workers to be flexible.




Friday, November 1, 2019

The Habits Of A Great Manager

Managerial styles have changed a lot over the years, and no more so than in the last decade. Become the manager that your employees deserve.

Lead Your Workers to Success
A great manager inspires employees to succeed by training workers effectively. If training is not available to workers through usual channels, the manager must research the skill and teach the employees on his or her own.

Supply a Chain of Communication
Efficient, easy to understand communication is essential. Make sure you are understood, the task can be done properly, and you listen to feedback from your workers about any issue. When workers realize the necessity of communication, it is easier to achieve things.

There is No Failure, Only Feedback
Provide feedback to employees with regular, face-to-face chats about their satisfaction levels. Criticism about performance should never be a one-way street.

Treat People the Way You Want to Be Treated
Constantly monitor your behavior with employees. Be aware of discontent and give your employees outlets for reporting dissatisfaction. They will feel empowered if they can voice their opinions.


The Recipe For A Successful Website

You may not be a website development genius, but there are things you can learn to help build a new website or change your current one for the better.

Describe Yourself
When you choose a domain name, make sure the website description is easy to understand, straightforward, and memorable. This requirement is not as hard as you think. Remember to choose a domain name that will last. Do not just use a stop gap until you think of a better one.

Give Them Something to Remember
Make the interface you choose for your website one that will instantly capture and hold someone’s attention. Test your site with a variety of age groups before you launch. Compress graphics for faster loading or Google will penalize the site. If your site is memorable, people will bookmark it for future use.

Show the People What They Want!: Content
Users love engaging, consistent posting, and quality content. You can do this by adding a blog page or choosing a CMS designed for your specific needs.

Become the Webmaster
Use webmaster tools to analyze data and make additions. If your small business website is optimized for SEO, it will rank higher on the SERPs.



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