Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Be A Student of the Process

Everything is better when you work for it don’t you think? Water tastes like everything after a long work out, a fish tastes better after you catch it, and finishing a race feels much better when you’ve been training hard for it. This goes for many areas in our lives, and sometimes we are conditioned to reap rewards for not doing anything, like when we all get participation trophies in little league or awards for doing the bare minimum. Carol Deck, the author of the book, Mindset, nails the idea of working for something by saying;

“Becoming is better than being.”

The joy of being great comes from the process it took to get there. If we all started at the top, it wouldn’t mean as much to us compared to actually putting in the hard work, going through the struggle, and pushing forward. It is what makes us human. What would success mean to us without struggle? Not much.

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