Friday, November 29, 2019

Benefits of an SEO

What’s SEO?

Great Question! SEO is an acronym that stands for search engine optimization. In basic terms, SEO scans through your website and tries to make changes to its content in order for your site to rank higher in search engines. The goal of using SEO is to expand visibility by making sure your site is user-friendly and contains words and phrases that are relevant to the searcher.

Why should I use SEO?

Another great question! There are a number of reasons why using SEO is important for the growth of your website and ultimately your business. But, for starters, let’s discuss just 5 reasons why your business needs SEO.

  • People are finding your site through search engines- A majority of online activities start on a search engine. It’s more likely that people will visit your website by using the search bar than by typing in your domain. The advantage of SEO is that your site has a better chance of being seen when a customer types in “dance classes near me” than by them trying to remember your company’s full URL. 
  • SEO brings in quality and organic online traffic- Google is considered a trusting and credible search engine. If your website shows up high on the first page of a search, the user is more likely to click on your page because they know that Google is going to give them quality results, relevant to what they are looking for. There is also the bonus that using an SEO involves the customer coming to you, not you trying to catch them. Customers will find your site because they have a problem that your business can solve. 
  • Better Conversion Rates- Sites that use SEO have faster loading times, are more user-friendly and can be properly accessed on devices like smartphones and tablets. Websites that are easy to navigate and available on both computer and mobile come across as more professional and enjoyable to the consumer. It means that they can get a hold of your business in any shape or form means better customer experience which will more likely lead to loyal customers and returning visitors.
  • The Internet and SEO strategies are always changing- The internet is always evolving and Google’s algorithms change majorly multiple times a year. It’s good to be on top of these changes as relevant words and phrases in a search can be switched over-night. By using consistent SEO, you’ll know how to keep your site high ranking in the search engine as well as being aware of current internet trends and news.
  • It’s a low-cost investment- Yes, SEO will cost you money. Cause nothing’s really free, right? However, the cost of SEO is relatively cheap when you think about all the benefits and the long-term return. A good implementation of SEO will give you business an awesome payoff that will last for many yearsThe more time and effort you put into SEO, the better the chances are that your site will stand as a quality source for new and old customers to enjoy for the years to come.




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