Friday, January 3, 2020

Shopping Cart Advertisements


So yeah, shopping carts are not super tech-savvy (yet). But, think about it? What better way to gain brand awareness that having your business literally in front of potential customers for their entire shopping trip? 

Think about it! People go to the supermarket 2-3 times a week and spend an average of 40 minutes each trip. That’s up to 2 hours of advertising in one medium per week! And, that’s just on average.

Need more convincing? Here are a few more reasons to consider branding with shopping carts.

  1. Exposure– Not only are people going to see your ads in front of them, but they’ll also be visible to every cart they pass. If people don’t see your ad, they won’t remember it. What’s awesome about shopping carts is that everywhere the shopper goes, the cart must follow. So, your ads will always be traveling
  2. Repetition– Similar to the last point, we want your ad to be seen by many, as many times as possible. Again, if your ad isn’t seen, people won’t remember it.
  3. Target the right audience– The point of advertising is so that your product is seen by many in hopes of gaining potential customers. However, if your ads aren’t being shown to the right people, then what good is that? Most of the time, the people at your local supermarket are the ones who are most likely to do business with you. So, why not cater to them?


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